Snippet 3 from Narziss and Goldmund

Chapter 14 is full of death and its horrors. I really like this paragraph; Goldmund came out of the great door of the church, dumb rows of saints and angels towered above him, each set high in its narrow space, held in the long, stiff folds of their gowns; unchangeable. unattainable, greater than men. Stern…

Snippet 2 from Narziss and Goldmund

The sense of Impermanence overwhelmed Goldmund and he no longer dwells in the past nor does he fret about the future. What matters to him is this exact moment of the upcoming one just after this one. He understood that life is Transient. Ephemeral. And not permanent.

Snippet from Narziss and Goldmund: Read of 2022

After all of his journeys of vagrancy, of knights’ castle, and then at master Nicholas, Goldmund finally realizes that he was an opponent of narziss. My favorite sentence of today’s read is, “A man on his wedding day, or the day of his knighthood, or when a woman delivered her firstborn, feel a deep joy…